Anxiety and Depression
You can't remember the last time you felt genuinely happy. You're feeling hopeless, irritable, and on edge. Your mind is either constantly racing or in a complete fog, and your thoughts always seem to be negative. A good night's sleep seems impossible, and you are always exhausted. Food is either your coping mechanism or you find yourself missing meals because you have no appetite. You would love to be able to be present in the moment, but your brain is always focused on things that have already happened or are way in the future. Your confidence has bottomed out and your relationships are suffering.
These statements define symptoms that indicate you may be suffering from anxiety, depression or both. Recognizing unhelpful patterns of thinking and finding new ways to perceive and process your emotions and behaviors can help you have the rich meaningful life you desire. Check out our contact page to schedule your free consultation and get you started on the path to feeling better.
Perinatal and Postpartum Depression
You're pregnant or newly parenting and it's supposed to be the happiest time of your life, only it's just....not. You just don't feel like yourself, the stress and overwhelm of everything makes you feel irritable, hopeless and out of control. You feel like you're drowning, you can't seem to function at home, work or both, and your relationships are suffering. Your mind races and you worry that something terrible is about to happen any minute. You feel totally alone and fear that if you told anyone how you are really feeling they would think you were crazy. The fact is you are NOT alone.
Approximately 20% of women experience thoughts and feelings like these during pregnancy or in the year following the birth of their baby. If you identify with any of this you may be experiencing a Perinatal Mood or Anxiety Disorder (PMAD). Often referred to as simply Postpartum Depression, PMADs also include Postpartum Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Bi-Polar and in very rare cases Psychosis. The truth is that you can get better with help. Therapy, medication or a combination of both have proven to be extremely effective in overcoming Perinatal Mood or Anxiety Disorders. Contact us today for your free consultation and learn how working together could be helpful in addressing these issues.
Something happened to you and for so long you’ve been successful at sweeping it under the rug and pushing it out of your mind. But lately you find the memories, flashbacks, images, and feelings harder to ignore. Maybe you’re not sure if you can call what happened to you trauma but what you do know is you have been forever changed because of it.
It is possible to move forward without being haunted by what happened to you in your past. To learn how to accept, cope and go on to live the rich and meaningful life you deserve. Please contact us today to find out how we can help.
As long as you can remember you've been told that your body was designed to carry children. However, for some reason, you and your partner are having troubles getting or staying pregnant. You feel like your body is failing you, or that somehow you are failing as a woman. Every time you check your social media another friend is announcing their pregnancy and as much as you want to be happy for them, you can't help but feel jealous. You are still grieving your loss(es), but it seems like everyone else, including your partner has moved on, and expect you to move on too. Your loss is real, your grief is real, and moving on just doesn't seem possible.
There is a way to honor your loss, recognize and work through your grief, and learn how to cope with whatever the future holds. Reach out today for your free consultation to see if working together would be a good fit for you.
Young Adult Life Transitions
You're not really sure when the shift occurred. You're not a kid anymore but you definitely don't feel like you're ready to take on the stress of adult life. In what seems like the blink of an eye every expectation of you has changed and nobody's giving you a handbook on how to navigate it. The anxiety that comes with figuring out who you are in this space leaves you feeling overwhelmed, confused and alone. You’re terrified to ask for help because you're afraid no one will understand. The last thing you want is for someone to suspect that you don't know what you're doing and where your life is headed- but that's exactly how you feel. The impact of this is felt everywhere; in your friendships, your family , work, school and romantic partnerships.
The truth is you are not alone and you can feel better and more confident with some help. Please contact us today to find out how working with a therapist can get you on track to realizing your best self
Relationship Distress
You’ve been in a relationship with your partner for awhile and things have grown stale. The connection between the two of you seems to have disappeared and the intimacy is non-existent. You know that they care, but you get in your head thinking about all the “what ifs” and while the fear of losing what you’ve built feels overwhelming, for some reason you keep pulling away. Perhaps you have a pattern of failed relationships and feel like your ability to have a healthy partnership is broken. Making a decision to stay or leave feels paralyzing. Everywhere you turn on social media there’s another new so-called expert giving you advice on what to do with your relationship and you don’t know where to start. You are exploring the possibility of couples counseling or learning how to start working through these things on your own.
The good news is, with help you can untangle the jumbled mess in your head and start to feel better. Learning how to identify and communicate your needs and desires within your relationship is possible in a supportive and comforting space. Healing from the trauma of past relationships and bad attachments can bring you the peace and contentment you crave. Either through individual or couples work, consider connecting with us today for more information on how to get started.
Eating disorders
All day long your thoughts are consumed with your body. You dread the next meal time and feel exhausted thinking about what foods you should or shouldn’t eat. You know your behaviors around food and eating aren’t normal and can sometimes be scary, but you can’t seem to change them. Even when you reach the “goals” you set for yourself, the reflection in the mirror never seems good enough. You feel like you’re trapped in a prison and your own brain is the warden.
The journey toward recovery is hard but you don’t have to do it alone. With the right specialized help, you can move toward the self acceptance you’ve always wanted. Take the first step with us today to connect with a therapist who can help you.
Gay and Lesbian issues
Ever since you can remember you have wondered why you never felt like you fit in. Early on in your life you knew you were different, but perhaps you couldn’t quite identify what exactly it was that made you feel that way. Once you realized your true self you were overcome with fear that you wouldn’t be accepted for who you were.
Shame and stigma seem to surround you. You feel like there is something inherently wrong about the person you are. Some people have embraced you with open arms while others have had a difficult time with your sexuality, making you question what your next steps in your familial or social relationships should be.
At times you struggle blending sex and emotional intimacy. You have no role models for how to navigate your identity, relationships and community. You want to be authentically you, but aren’t even sure who that even is.
It’s time to figure out how to feel better with yourself and within your world. With support you can do it. There is hope. Please contact us today to see how to get started.
therapy for men
You are struggling. You can’t sleep, feel angry or irritated all the time. It seems like whatever you do, it’s never enough. You feel like you are constantly letting the people around you down, and it paralyzes you.
The most important relationships in your life are suffering. You know something needs to change, but you don’t know where to start. You have never considered going to therapy before. You always thought that being strong meant never asking for help- but here you are recognizing whatever is going on is bigger than you and it feels awful. Nothing you try seems to be working and you are at a breaking point.
It’s time to try something drastically different. It terrifies you to open up and let someone see the dark parts of yourself that you haven’t even allowed yourself to explore, but you are out of options. Today you can start a new chapter of healing and growth. Reach out to see how to get started.