All About Cait!

CNY Therapy Solutions would like to welcome Cait Hopkins to our practice. Cait is a Licensed Master Social Worker working toward her clinical licensure while bringing her talents and clinical interests to the clientele of our practice. In an effort to assist in getting to know her better, we’ve shared some “get to know you” questions both formal and fun!

What led you into becoming a therapist? 

 I have always been drawn to heart to hearts and deep conversations. I'm not one for small talk - I'd rather get to the meat of someone's lived experience. Now I get to do that all day :)


What part of the job do you find most rewarding?

 Bearing witness to someone else's healing. Many times you can actually see it unfolding in front of you. It's such a beautiful experience and honestly, an honor to be a part of.


What part of the job do you find most challenging?

 It took me a while to be able to function as the carrier of other's pain. But as heavy as some of my client's stories are, once they are out there for both of us to hold, they become much lighter.


Who are your professional/ personal role models?   

 Gabrielle Bernstien is my guru. She wrote "The Universe Has Your Back" which I have read cover to cover at least 10 times. Though she isn't a therapist, I consider her a professional role model because of the peace, mindfulness and depth she brings to healing. My personal role models are my moms. I have two of them and I am so lucky to be surrounded by their warmth, support and strength. 


What's a guilty pleasure TV show or movie? 

 I. love. Hallmark. Christmas. Movies. They are the anti-anxiety. They are all sweet and cheesy and follow the same predictable formula, which I find to be very grounding.


Most memorable vacation?  

 I have taken so many wonderful trips throughout my life, but my honeymoon was probably the best. My husband and I went to his parent's vacation home in Florida, and it was so slow and peaceful. We each brought books and read them all. I am not a go, go, go kind of person, and do not like itineraries or being busy. It was simple and relaxing and so full of love.


What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?  

 Probably my mid-twenties move to Charlotte, North Carolina. I found myself in a place where I needed a change. I was single amidst friends who were all getting married and having babies, and I thought that maybe my person or purpose weren't in Syracuse. Long story short - I packed everything up and moved 12 hours away, and came back a few months later. You live, you learn, you try. I don't think I would be at such peace here now if I hadn't gotten the resounding "NO" that came from that move.


Give us two truths and a lie (**find the answer at the end of the blog post!) 

 I have two daughters who are 13 months apart

I do not drink coffee

I am ambidextrous 


What are you most looking forward to in your professional future?  

 Continuing to grow with my clients. There are a few people that I've worked with for a couple years now, and the depth of those relationships is something really special. If I can be a continued safe space for my caseload, I've reached my goal.

We are truly honored to have Cait with us! To get connected with Cait please connect with us on our contact page.

**And the lie is- Not only do I drink coffee, I love coffee. I look forward to it every morning and *try* to find a private moment to drink it while it's warm, if possible.